Unable to add Envs to Azure Account

There was a problem with your request.
One or more referenced resources do not exist: “Environments-21” provided for EnvironmentIds; “Environments-60” provided for EnvironmentIds

When I try to change envs in Accounts I got such erro - no matter what I do - either adding new ones or deleting previous ones.

PS: We’ve upagraded from 3.0.24 -> 3.1b1 -> 3.1.0Release -> 3.1.3

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for getting in touch. Do you get any results after running this in your database?

select * from DeploymentEnvironment
where Id in ('environments-60','Environments-21')



Hi, Dalmiro!

I was able to workaround the issue be re-creating the Azure Account and leave envs list as empty and switching to this new one.


Alexander Izyumov
Project Lead
