Hi There,
We have on-prem hosting and currently we use 2019.9.3 LTS
Just background for our environments….
We are using Azure IaaS to create environments for testing purposes (e.g. DEV,TEST, UAT etc)
Each environment contains set of servers (e.g. WEB,DB etc.)
Every environment set created on demand, used and destroyed at the end of the SDLS
We have script automation to create Octopus Deploy targets, environments and lifecycles based on every new created Azure environment. At the end during Azure environment decommission we delete all Octopus Deploy resources related to this environment
During lifecycle creation we add static environments (e.g. PREPROD, PROD etc.) that hosted on-prem
For automation we use Octopus.Client from powershell script
We have different roles and teams to control access to some environments.
Prior “Spaces” we used Octopus.Client API to assign allowed environments to teams and removed them during decommissioning:
$team = $repository.Teams.FindByName(“TEAM NAME”)
But after “Spaces” implementation we found that “team” doesn’t have anymore “Environments” property
This is affects our automation and maintenance.
I did a lot of research on the web, even had some communication on Octopus Deploy forum but still no luck.
So, I have few questions:
- How to implement previous functionality with new Octopus.Client (v or
- How to grant permission for the team for all environments except some particular environments
Thanks in advance,