Anyone else deployed an ASE inside an ARM template with octo?
It takes over two hours to deploy an ASE, manually or by ARM. With this in mind, I think I know that the following error is generated because the token given to you (and therefore the Service Principal) when you login expires after an hour of the deployment. Seen this when deploying from Visual Studio.
Does that mean that deploying an ASE in Octopus will always be a hit and hope job?
Anyone tried it and got any insight?
Azure Resource Group deployment deploy-ase-by-arm-template-2w5csd failed:
Operations details:
Resource: USAFFFFASE001
Type: Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments
Timestamp: 2017-01-03T21:01:33
Deployment operation: /subscriptions/6afd53c5-xxxx-bb04d6ecaa37/resourceGroups/RGR/deployments/deploy-ase-by-arm-template-2w5csd/operations/C234CD59B1A20093
Status: RequestTimeout
Provisioning State: Failed