The resource 'users-nnn' was not found

There appears to be an issue with my user in Octopus Deploy version

I am able to log in, but I am not able to deploy anything.
Other users can deploy ok.
I am however, able to edit process steps.
Also, my user does not appear in the list of users when logged in as an admin. Additionally, there are user entries in the list that are blank - maybe one of the blank ones is my user?


  1. Select a project, eg Migrate-Customer
  2. Select a release, eg 2.0.16
  3. Click Deploy this release
  4. Select Deploy to “DEV”
  5. Leave all fields as default
  6. Click Deploy release
    An error is displayed: “The resource ‘users-257’ was not found.”

Also, attached is an image with (user names blacked out) showing the blank users.


Thanks for getting in touch. Could you please follow these steps to attempt a repair on your database? Sometimes the RavenDB indexes can get corrupted, causing issues like this one

