The requested package versions for the following steps violate the channel version rules: UnpackAndConfigAdj

Hi ,

My build getting failed in team city…there is some configuration in the octopus channel… Please help to sort it out

Please find the error log below:

elease plan for release: 1.5.0-beta0004
[12:18:58][Step 1/1] Steps:
[12:18:58][Step 1/1] # Name Version Source
[12:18:58][Step 1/1] — -------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------
[12:18:58][Step 1/1] 1 UnpackAndConfigAdj 1.5.0-beta0004 User specified
[12:18:58][Step 1/1]
[12:18:58][Step 1/1] Creating release…
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] Error from Octopus server (HTTP 400): There was a problem with your request.
[12:18:59][Step 1/1]
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] - The requested package versions for the following steps violate the channel version rules: UnpackAndConfigAdj. Please specify a different package version, channel or provide the ignoreChannelRules parameter to override this check.
[12:18:59][Step 1/1]
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] Exit code: -7
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] Error: 8/3/2020 12:18:59 PM:
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] At E:\a03\work\3b9c630e5e92b0f7\PostponedBuyForSHDepartment\default.ps1:262 char:2
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] + gci $octpusDir -include “*.nupkg” -recurse | % {
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [<<==>>] Exception: Exec: Error executing command &$octoExec create-release --project=$projectName --channel=$script:deploymentChannelName --packageversion=$script:nugetVersion --releaseNumber=$script:nugetVersion --releasenotes=$BuildId --server
[12:18:59][Step 1/1] ERROR: Exec: Error executing command &$octoExec create-release --project=$projectName --channel=$script:deploymentChannelName --packageversion=$script:nugetVersion --releaseNumber=$script:nugetVersion --releasenotes=$BuildId –

Hi @bijesh.puthalath,

Thanks for getting in touch!

This sounds like the package name is not compatible with the version rules configured within the channel.

Within the channel settings you can test your package version name against the rules that are configured e.g.

If this test fails then you will either need to amend your rules, change the package name, or supply the ignoreChannelRules parameter.

If you have any problems testing this, please provide details on the version rules that are in place for this channel.


Thanks for your reply.

Could you please suggest how to check the channel configuration.I’m not able to find it out.

And also I’m not sure how to change the Package name . May be I’m not having the right permission to view it. Please let me know with what permission we would able to see these settings?
And also I’m unsure about how to provide ignoreChannelRules parameter.

While tested the the rule I can see that ,


Ok, so the channel configuration is where you found the version rule to test.

It looks like the version rule has a Tag that prevents packages with a -beta pre-release tag.

The solution to this is something that you will need to discuss internally to determine the best option.
A couple possible options would be:

  • Create a new channel that allows packages with -beta pre-release tags and amend the TeamCity pipeline to use this channel for these builds
  • Change the TeamCity pipeline to not use -beta tags at all
  • Amend the create release step in TeamCity to include the ignoreChannelRules argument in the additional arguments at the bottom

I can’t advise which option is best for you as it depends on your build pipeline requirements.


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