The estimated cost for the development of a gaming mobile application

I am a developer that has started freelancing projects. My expert domain is the application development of games. Therefore, I am making myself available for servicing the people with best skills of my abilities. However, there are also many companies providing the best mobile app development services Calgary. Therefore, what should be the charges that I set for my services as a freelancer? The point is, I have a 10-year experience in the domain and worked for different renowned agencies all around the world. Kindly suggest me with a pricing estimation that I should set for my services. Please suggest the pricing, considering my experience with it.

Hi Ronald,

This is the support forum for Octopus Deploy, which is a Continuous Deployment tool and isn’t directly related with any particular industry (apart from Software Development).

I would be looking elsewhere for specialist advice,


Okay No worries. Thanks for clarifying.

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