We have a few machines with Tentacles where those tentacles are Repaired every 30 minutes or so probably as a side effect of being installed through PowerShell DSC. That repair fails and the machines are left without Tentacle service running and therefore Unavailable.
Primary problem - why that repair process fails? After being manually started Tentacle service seems to work perfectly fine! MSI log attached. OctopusTentacle.txt (20.8 KB) Tentacle.msi.log (75.1 KB)
What initiates that unneeded repair is a secondary problem as we need repair fixed anyway.
First of all facility which causes tentacle reinstall every few minutes is indeed PowerShell DSC. I’m not sure why it thinks configuration has deviated but it tries to restore it and as part of that effort initiates Tentacle Repair periodically.
Now that tentacle Repair always happens using freshly downloaded latest installer which is stored in C:\Octopus\Tentacle.msi. If previously tentacle was installed from the different location that’s when we get this Error 1316 and Microsoft FixIt tool does not handle it. The only way around it I found is to uninstall Tentacle completely and then install manually from where DSC expects installer to be: C:\Octopus\Tentacle.msi. With that Repair process passes successfully and Tentacle does not stop.
Right, so it does sound like a bad installation is the problem. I don’t know if you’re aware, but we have our own DSC files for tentacles here - https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/OctopusDSC