Tentacle Ability?

Can the tentacles report back to the server if there is a mismatch between the last deployment on a computer vs what is currently installed? For example if a user comes in and manually installs a different version of a tool managed by the octopus server, is there anyway to get that feedback to the administrator?

Hi @Christopher_Crain,

Thanks for getting in touch! Octopus is not able to identify if something has been deployed or installed outside of itself.

It is something which could possibly be handled with custom scripting, depending on your application. You could write a script at the start of your deployment to check your server for the current installed version of the tool. You can then use run conditions to either run certain steps based on the initial “check” passing, or trigger a manual intervention step to halt the deployment.

It looks like this could be a good candidate for our UserVoice Suggestions page. We use UserVoice to gauge community support for ideas and features. If a suggestion reaches enough votes we can look into its implementation into Octopus.

Feel free to vote and comment or suggestions or create your own. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any further thoughts or questions here.

Best regards,

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Hello @Daniel_Fischer,

Thanks for the reply, I will look into placing this in a script.

Quick question about the scripts… how do I access a multi-value variable in a script? For instance I have a variable named “RCPN” and it has 3 values. In my script I would access it how?

I have System.Console.WriteLine(Octopus.Parameters[“RCPN”][1]). But that didnt seem to work.

Hi @Christopher_Crain,

When you specify multiple values for the same variable in Octopus we suggest taking advantage of scoping to let Octopus automatically decide which vale for the variable we should use.

I can provide you with some documentation on the subject which has loads of useful information :slight_smile:

In a nutshell you are able to dynamically assign the values for a variable based on things like Environment, Target role, Target, Steps, Channels, Tenants (This is the scope of the variable). Or a combination of multiple scopes to narrow it down even more. The above docs has a lot more detail and examples on this.

So by scoping the three values of the variable “RCPN” separately based on where it will be needed, you can simply put #{RCPN} in your script and have Octopus handle the rest automatically.

If you would like some further reading on different ways you can use Octopus variables, you can check out the following documentation page. :slight_smile:

Let me know if this helps.

Best regards,