TeamCity to Octopuse Nuget

We just upgraded to TeamCity 2018.1. Now when we create a new release, Octopus is not able to get the latest package version. For some reason, the release for Octopus has a mixture of older package versions.

TeamCity publishes new artifacts for EdFi.Ods.Admin.Web, EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Services.Windwos.BulkWorker, EdFi.Ods.Buload.Services.Windows.UploadWorker, EdFi.Ods.SwaggerUI, EdFi.Ods.WebApi, and EdFi.RestApi.Databases

However, when the release is created, not all of these new artifacts are used. It is somehow determining to use older artifacts from previous builds. If you guys could point me in the right direction for the configuration that makes sure that the latest release uses all of the latest artifacts, i think that would be very helpful. Below is an example of what is happing int the log. It’s like the release is a combination of different nuget packages from older builds.

The log below has package versions ranging from 1.0.84 to 1.0.109. If I could get the release to contain only the latest package versions, which in this case would be 1.0.109, then I think things would go smoother.

Any help would be great.

PS. I added a screenshot that shows all of the latest versioned packages as artifacts.

[Octopus Deploy] Creating Octopus Deploy release
+[14:18:18]+[Octopus Deploy] Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 3.3.11+Branch.master.Sha.9fe1e5688698d749fe85e52e3f7be7c98249f194
+[14:18:18]+[Octopus Deploy]
+[14:18:18]+[Octopus Deploy] Build environment is NoneOrUnknown
+[14:18:18]+[Octopus Deploy] Handshaking with Octopus server: http://localhost:8082
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.3.9; API version: 3.0.0
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Authenticated as: TeamCity <> (a service account)
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding project: Ed-Fi ODS
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding deployment process for project: Ed-Fi ODS
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding release template…
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Resolving package versions…
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Deploy Databases
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Selected version for package with ID ‘EdFi.RestApi.Databases.NEFEC’ determined to be ‘1.0.84’
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Install Admin NuGet Package
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Selected version for package with ID ‘EdFi.Ods.Admin.Web.NEFEC’ determined to be ‘1.0.98’
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Install API NuGet Package
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Selected version for package with ID ‘EdFi.Ods.WebApi.NEFEC’ determined to be ‘1.0.84’
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Install Swagger NuGet Package
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Selected version for package with ID ‘EdFi.Ods.SwaggerUI.NEFEC’ determined to be ‘1.0.84’
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Deploy BulkWorker service
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Selected version for package with ID ‘EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Services.Windows.BulkWorker.NEFEC’ determined to be ‘1.0.84’
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Deploy UploadWorker service
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Selected version for package with ID ‘EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Services.Windows.UploadWorker.NEFEC’ determined to be ‘1.0.109’
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Using version number provided on command-line.
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Release plan for release: 0.0.36
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] Steps:
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] # Name Version Source
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] — ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] 1 Deploy Databases 1.0.84 Latest available in NuGet repository
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] 2 Install Admin NuGet Package 1.0.98 Latest available in NuGet repository
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] 3 Install API NuGet Package 1.0.84 Latest available in NuGet repository
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] 4 Install Swagger NuGet Package 1.0.84 Latest available in NuGet repository
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] 5 Deploy BulkWorker service 1.0.84 Latest available in NuGet repository
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy] 6 Deploy UploadWorker service 1.0.109 Latest available in NuGet repository
+[14:18:19]+[Octopus Deploy]

Hi there, and thanks for getting in touch!

I’m Jason, from the Octopus Cloud team. I’ve been looking into your issue in conjunction with our integration experts, and we think we know what’s causing the problem.

First of all, TeamCity 2018.1 introduced a change to the way indexing worked, meaning you may need to install (or reinstall) a plugin. The issue is discussed here on the JetBrains site.

Additionally, the octo.exe tool provides two different ‘version’ parameters. There’s --version, and --packageversion. If --packageversion is omitted, the tool will use the latest it can find, which might not be what’s required. If you specify that parameter, it might get you over the line, though I’d say the JetBrains fix is the way to go first.

Thanks, and Happy Deployments!


Thank you, Jason!

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