We are using:
- linux docker image for the TeamCity agent https://hub.docker.com/r/jetbrains/teamcity-agent/
- Octopus’ TeamCity Plugin for JetBrains TeamCity 7+ v4.38.0
When running the deployment step in TeamCity we get the following, failing step log output:
Octopus Deploy
Running command: dotnet Octo.dll create-release --server https://builderserver:89 --apikey SECRET --project MyProject --enableservicemessages --deployto Testing
Creating Octopus Deploy release
No executable found matching command "dotnet-/opt/buildagent/temp/buildTmp/octo-temp/2.0/Core/Octo.dll"
Octo.exe exit code: 1
Checking the docker image we can see that the directory /opt/buildagent/temp/buildTmp/octo-temp/2.0 exists but that the octo.exe in that folder is a full dotnet framework image and there is no ‘Core’ sub folder.
Is there a problem with the plug-in? What can we do to resolve the issue please?