Teamcity deployment fails after upgrade to 3.3.4


Just upgraded to 3.3.4 (from 3.2) and I see this in the logs from TC:

[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] Error from Octopus server (HTTP 200): Unable to process response from server: Error reading string. Unexpected token: StartObject. Path ‘Steps[0].Actions[0].Properties.[‘Octopus.Action.IISWebSite.ApplicationPoolPassword’]’, line 24, position 67… Response content: {
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] “Id”: “deploymentprocess-Projects-2”,
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] “ProjectId”: “Projects-2”,
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] “Steps”: [
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] {
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy]
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] Exit code: -7
[11:30:08] : [Octopus Deploy] Octo.exe exit code: -7

This is from Teamcity 9.1.6. Looking at Octopus it does not display errors - seem like nothing has happened. Nothing under server logs. Part of the Octopus upgrade was also a change to SQL server

Any clues?


Hm well, restart fixed it…


Thanks for getting in touch.

If it happens again after the restart, please send us a full log and also let us know what were you doing when the issue took place. Also let us know what did you restart (Teamcity or Octopus).


Hi Dalmiro,

It happened again - and this time I can’t really fix it so it seems.
What log files are you interested in? The “OctopusServer.txt” ?

I might add that all I get from Teamcity is this:

[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy] Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.3.4; API version: 3.0.0
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy] Authenticated as: admin <> 
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy] Finding project: MyTest
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy] Finding deployment process for project: MyTest
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy] Error from Octopus server (HTTP 200): Unable to process response from server: Error reading string. Unexpected token: StartObject. Path 'Steps[0].Actions[0].Properties.['Octopus.Action.IISWebSite.ApplicationPoolPassword']', line 24, position 67.. Response content: {
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy]   "Id": "deploymentprocess-Projects-41",
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy]   "ProjectId": "Projects-41",
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy]   "Steps": [
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy]     {
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy]    
[14:03:50][Octopus Deploy] Exit code: -7

Btw there is nothing in the “OctopusServer.txt” log about this. Any way to lower the log level? I tried following this guide: But the only file called “octopus.server.exe.nlog” on my server does not contain a section called “octopus-log-file”.

On a side note: I’m currently not running the latest TC plugin (3.3) and I figure I should start by updating that. But I’m unsure of the procedure as per:


This problem is most likely because you are not using the TC plugin version that goes with your version of Octopus.

Upgrading the plugin shouldn’t make you lose your current step configurations.

Please try to upgrade and let me know how it goes.

Best regards,


Thanks - what is the recommended way to upgrade? Do I have to uninstall using the 5 steps here: And I guess, having to create the build steps all over?

Or is there a more unobtrusive approach?


Those 5 steps are wrong. Starting the server without the plugin is most likely whats removing the steps from your deploying process.

The right steps are:

  1. Stop TeamCity.
  2. Remove the old plugin and past the new one.
  3. Start TeamCity.

Ad 2)
Should I remove it from “.unpacked” folder also?

No need to remove Unpacked


Your steps worked. And using the latest plugin made all the difference. All deployments are running correct again!

Thanks a lot for you fast and patient support :slight_smile:

I’m getting the same thing with octo.exe and my newly updated Octopus Deploy to 3.3.4 but I am already using the latest octo.exe (3.3.9).

Any ideas? About to try a restart.

29-Mar-2016 11:41:02	  Deploying to Octopus Channel Default
29-Mar-2016 11:41:02	  E:\Bamboo59\xml-data\build-dir\118980609-119144449\build\..\src\packages\OctopusTools.3.3.9\tools\octo.exe create-release --server=http://my-octopus/api --ignoreexisting --channel="Default" --project="My Service" --version="" --packageversion= --apikey=API-[REMOVED]
29-Mar-2016 11:41:02	  Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 3.3.1+Branch.master.Sha.1c8736a1d37db41c04c2540914b4ec688a3d0ed8
29-Mar-2016 11:41:02	  
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Handshaking with Octopus server: http://my-octopus/api
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.3.4; API version: 3.0.0
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Authenticated as: my_user <> (a service account)
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Finding project: My Service
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Finding channel: Default
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Finding deployment process for project: My Service
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Error from Octopus server (HTTP 200): Unable to process response from server: Error reading string. Unexpected token: StartObject. Path 'Steps[0].Actions[0].Properties.['Octopus.Action.WindowsService.CustomAccountPassword']', line 23, position 69.. Response content: {
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	    "Id": "deploymentprocess-Projects-100",
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	    "ProjectId": "Projects-100",
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	    "Steps": [
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	      {
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	   
29-Mar-2016 11:41:03	  Exit code: -7

I think I was mistaken - my build plan was copying the old Octo.exe 3.3.1 as an artifact. Works fine with Octo.exe 3.3.9 now. Not ideal to have a breaking change like this without even a minor version number bump.

I was getting this error as well and did have the latest plug-in installed.

Apparently my problem was the Octopus version in the TeamCity step. It was set to 2.x (don’t know why). Changing it to 3.x fixed it.