Getting this exception while pushing metadata to octopus. Any pointers?
octo.exe push-metadata --server https://server --apikey SECRET --package-id MyPackage --version 26 --metadata-file octopus.metadata
[10:45:14] [Octopus Deploy] System.Exception: The document does not define a link for 'PackageMetadata'
[10:45:14] [Octopus Deploy] at Octopus.Client.Model.Resource.Link(String name)
The problem seems to be that the versions of Octo.exe and Octopus Server you are using are incompatible. That push-metadata command was introduced as part of our integration with Jira which requires you to upgrade your Octopus Server at least to 2019.4.1.
So you´re gonna need to either upgrade your Octopus Server to 2019.4.1>, or downgrade your TeamCity Plugin to <5.0.1 which will also downgrade the version of Octo.exe you are using.