Substitute and config transformation order changed

Dear supportteam,

We are facing a critical issue in our release strategy, that was probably introduced in 2.4 (came from 2.3).

The current strategy is:

Step 1:
Web.config is transformed by Web.Release.Config, this results in:
changed into

Step 2:
Substitute is applied at Web.config witch results in:
changed into or testsvr01 according to the environment.

Of course this could be done by only using transformation but that makes it a lot less flexible in case of a change.
Basically the transformation creates a template that Octopus fills in by doing substitute.
This all worked very well until we upgraded to 2.4, i figured out that the order of processing has changed.
See the attached screenshot.

Do you know how I can resolve this issue?

Sorry the text between tags was removed.
Second try:

Step 1:
Web.config is transformed by Web.Release.Config, this results in:
host name=“localhost” changed into host name="#{AppFabricServer}"

Step 2:
Substitute is applied at Web.config witch results in:
host name="#{AppFabricServer}" changed into host name=“devsvr01” or testsvr01 according to the environment.

Alright i fixed it!

Step 2:
Substitute is applied at Web.Release.config instead of Web.config.

That has the same result as in 2.3.


I am glad you found a fix for this. Yes it was changed in 2.4, and it should have been highlighted specifically in the release notes, sorry about that!
