Subscriptions do not work when smtp server has no credentials

I have a subscription where i get the message
" You will need to configure an SMTP server before emails will be sent to this subscription’s selected teams. "
No subscription emails will be sent.
But a SMTP server is configured and i already got mails from Octopus with these settings.The SMTP uses no credentials which is ok for the step template.

When i enter some random credentials. The message changes to " SMTP settings are available for this Octopus server. Emails will be sent in relation to this subscription’s selected teams. " and emails will be sent.
So a workaround exists.

Hi Matthias,

Thanks for getting in touch! You’ve found a display bug - thanks for reporting it! You are correct, emails will continue to be sent correctly - it’s just a noisy warning showing at the wrong time.

I’ve opened this GitHub Issue so you can track it if you are interested:

Hope that helps!