Strange Destination Folder Used


I’m on version 2.0 and actually having the exact same problem as this poster:

I installed and configured the tentacle with the following cmd:
& .\tentacle.exe configure --instance “Tentacle” --app “C:\websites\site” --console

I’m using the octo.exe command line to trigger a release and use --deployto=dev. My package ends up in:

Why is this?


Hi Timothy,

Thanks for getting in touch! There are a couple of things in play here. And I am going to make an assumption about what outcome you are after, so please correct me if I am wrong.

The app setting that you set on the tentacle, just tells Octopus the base directory you would like packages first extracted to. And based on your feedback, this has happened your package has ended up under c:\websites\site when the package is extracted instead of c:\Octopus.

If you are trying to install your website to a final specific location you need to use the Custom Install Directory feature of the package step.
This article in our docs explains about the CID and why we first extract the package to a different location and then move to a final location.

Hope this help clarifies.

Thanks for the quick reply again Vanessa, i appreciate it.

I found what you have described actually but you beat me to the response. For the record:

& .\tentacle.exe configure --instance “Tentacle” --app “<First_extraction_dir>”

Configure final extraction dir in Release/Process/“Custom install directory”

So to solve my problem i just removed the explicit declaration and let it go to the default Octopus\Applications<env><Package_name>