Step Template creation uses stale data for side-panel

When creating a new Step Template, if you’ve previously looked at a Step Template this session then it will use that Step Template name and logo at the left instead of “New step template” as it should.

This can be confusing as to what I’m actually doing, and makes me wonder slightly if any other configuration is going to be dragged along to my new step.

To reproduce (in 2018.7.9)

  1. Go to Step Templates and click on any you have currently installed
  2. Click Library -> Step Templates -> Custom Step Templates “Add”
  3. Pick (any?) Built-in ST
  4. Note that the name and logo at left are the ones from the ST you initially viewed in step 1.

The only way I can get it to show “New step template” is with Ctrl-F5.


I’ve also been able to reproduce this, and I’ve raised an issue here. You can use that issue to track our progress with this bug.

Thank you so much for reporting this!


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