Unbinded the release/package, and attempted to place a variable instead. This caused this error, which now is causing me not to be able to edit this step template. Either need a force way to delete, or way to resolve this error.
Please provide steps to provide required diagnostic information.
Also when editing the project with this broken step template, I get the following repeated.
Hi John,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m terribly sorry to hear you’re hitting this unexpected issue after editing this step. Unfortunately I haven’t had any luck reproducing this exact behavior, though I’m probably attempting to do so differently. This looks very similar (which might have the same root cause) to this existing issue.
Does this look like it could match your setup?
You can delete this corrupted step template with the API below, replacing in your Octopus URL, ActionTemplate-ID with the ID of this template and adding your API key.
curl -X DELETE "OctoURL/api/actiontemplates/ActionTemplates-ID?ApiKey" -H "accept: application/json"
I hope this helps for the time being. Let me know how you go or if you have any further questions going forward. 
Best regards,