How can i get ssh-tentacle fingerprint using octopus.client? I can see fingerprint in api, but there is no such field in MachineResource model.
Octopus.Client version 4.41.5
Kind Regards,
Alexander Yuzhanin
How can i get ssh-tentacle fingerprint using octopus.client? I can see fingerprint in api, but there is no such field in MachineResource model.
Octopus.Client version 4.41.5
Kind Regards,
Alexander Yuzhanin
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a sample script to get the SSH fingerprint via the Octopus.Client, however this should be available in the SshEndpointResource model. You can reference the open-source client code, and this specifically can be referenced here.
I hope this helps! Let me know how you go or if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.
Best regards,
Hi, Kenneth!
Thank you for the answer, i saw this model in client, but how i can get certain instance?
I Have MachineResource element, how can i navigate to its endpoint resource ?
(p.s. i write c# application)
Kind regards,
Alexander Yuzhanin
Hi, Kenneth!
Excuse for troubling, but the problem is still actual for us. Can you give more examples (maybe c# code-snippet) with example of getting tentacles fingerpint?
Kind regards,
Alexander Yuzhanin
Maybe it will be helpful for someone:
var fingerPrint = "";
if (deploymentTarget.Endpoint.CommunicationStyle == CommunicationStyle.Ssh)
var endPoint = deploymentTarget.Endpoint as SshEndpointResource;
fingerPrint = endPoint?.Fingerprint;
where deploymentTarget
is object of type MachineResource
Kind regards,
Alexander Yuzhanin
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