On the Deploy Release screen, if you have multiple Tenants selected, you see, per Tenant, if there are any “Unavailable” Tentacles for that tenant. We would like it to also show how many “Unhealthy” Tentacles there are, ideally as a separate, less severe (yellow?) classification.
Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately the current behavior doesn’t indicate if any machines are unhealthy, however you can get this information via the Infrastructure > Deployment Targets page in the web portal by filtering down the Unhealthy status and any specific tenant(s) needed. Would that help in any way?
This may be a great idea to suggest up on our UserVoice site, which is the main avenue we consult when considering features/enhancements like this for future releases. This way we can gauge community support and prioritize it accordingly.
Is it possible we could submit a PR in the OctopusDeploy GitHub repo that would be accepted that would implement this? Obviously the changes would need to meet your requirements, but if we did the dev work for this, is it likely it would be accepted and merged?
Thanks for following up! I’m terribly sorry about not getting back to you sooner. This really just slipped through the cracks.
The good news is we think you’re right on the money with this, and we agree it should work in the way you were expecting and unhealthy machines should be displayed here. We definitely appreciate your offer to put in the dev work and submit a PR for the change, however we’ve decided to implement this internally. It looks like the development of this enhancement will start very soon as well.
Thank you kindly for your patience and sharing this idea on how to further improve Octopus!
Thanks, that is excellent. If you’d like feedback on it prior to full release, please let us know.
I’m still curious about my question regarding submitting PRs in the general sense. Is there an official policy/process/etc for that? Is something that Octopus is supportive of?
As we have been implementing Octopus, there have been some changes along the way that we would like to see happen. Obviously Octopus only has so much bandwidth to make changes. Depending on the change, we would likely be willing to do the development on it but we don’t want to run a custom version of Octopus.