I’m installing Octopus Deploy release 3.17.4 on x64 Windows 10 machine. I specified to use Local System Account and had the installer to find my instance of SQL Server: (local)\SQL2014. I’m using Windows Authentication and my Windows login account has Admin rights on the SQL Server. When I try to get a list of the databases I getting this error:
There is a problem connecting to your SQL Server database. Error: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
I tried to enter the new database name to have it created or connect to existing database where my account is db_owner, all to no avail. The error prevents me from moving past selecting SQL Server.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for getting in touch!
While Octopus should operate correctly on Windows 10, it is not one of our supported operating systems. As there are so many variables in play with a consumer OS (patch levels, software installed, underlying hardware and driver levels) we are unfortunately unable to provide any support at this time. Are you able to try on one of our supported Server OS’s and advise if the issue re-occurs?
I have done some quick searches and found the following link which might help resolve the issue for you: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32609088/arithmetic-overflow-exception-when-opening-sql-connection
Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to assist,
Thank you Alex, appreciate your help! I was able to overcome the issue by connecting to another instance of the SQL Server on my local network, also running on Windows 10. I configured the app and them backed up and restored the database on my machine and changed config file to point to it. It seems to be working now and I’m starting to setup my environments.
Like the product so far!
Hi Alex,
Thanks for letting me know that you’ve sorted the issue, that looks like some creative troubleshooting right there
Glad that you like the product so far, let me know if there is anything else that we can do to assist!