Seeing old deployment process


Someone has changed the deployment process, how do we go about seeing the old version?

or seeing the deployment process used for a particular release.


Thanks for reaching out. You can’t see the previous version of a deployment process, at least not in the same user-friendly way you see the current version in [Project]->Process. The only thing you can do is go to a previous deployment and see which steps were ran, or check the [DeploymentProcess] table on your DB and see the raw json of the previous snapshots of the templates.

Sorry its not the answer you were hoping for


Can i suggest that these be version controlled, and the ability to see which version was used for each release.

There’s a huge number of reasons why;
Someone changes the script and it no longer works, you want to be able to see what’s changed.
Security, someone has changed something, deployed it, then changed it back to what it was.
We need to look at a old release that’s still used, we need to understand how we used to deploy it and compare it to now.


Its in our plans to work on better support for version controlling of components such as Deployment Processes, Step Templates, Script Modules, etc. Even though we closed this issue a couple of days ago, if you read Michael’s comment on it you’ll see that it is something we are commited to do once we tackle down other priorities.

Best regards,
