Search in Jfrog Artifactory as external docker repository feed?

Hello! We use enterprise Artifactory as docker repo.
I try use it as Docker Container Registry but if test connection i `ve got “Search not supported
The registry does not support the Docker HTTP catalog API” . At the same time i can use
curl -H ‘X-JFrog-Art-Api:jfrogtoken’ -v “https://reponame/v2/_catalog” with all repos.
Could somebody explain plz - where is wrong?

Hi @osagay,
Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear you’re having difficulty using Artifactory as a docker repo. Unfortunately, this appears to be a limitation on Artifactory’s end, however, I did find a previous post where a customer found a workaround to a similar scenario.

Take a look and let me know what you think. I’ll keep digging in the meantime just in case there another solution here.

Kind Regards,

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