Script to Mass Upload data for LAB@ENV in Octopus

assuming i provide an Excel file with 2 columns with a header:




and a LAB@ENV (for example TEST@UAT43)

provide a script to mass upload the Values in the given tokens for that particular LAB and ENV

=> in case of any error, is it possible to revert all changes?

=> is it possible to provide an output/log tracking the changes or re-exporting the values from Octopus into a file under the same format?

Hi Shubham,

Thanks for reaching out.

As Octopus is API Driven, depending on what you are wanting to do with the data, you should be able to upload the values, but you will need to write the script yourself. We have a number of examples in our rest api repository that can hopefully help you get where you need to go.

"in case of any error, is it possible to revert all changes?"

No, you would need to do a backup before running the script and a restore on error. It is recommend setting the server to maintenance mode and draining all nodes to prevent changes from happening while the script is running.

"is it possible to provide an output/log tracking the changes"

If you create a specific API key for this purpose, you will have a log of all updates/inserts/deletes in the audit log, but if you need logging beyond that you will need to implement it alongside your script.

"re-exporting the values from Octopus into a file under the same format?"

You would likely need to reverse engineer your script to work backward to recreate the format you desire from the data structure that octopus houses the data in.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Thanks for the Reply Jeremy . i will check on this.

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