You are exactly right - I’m trying to update these variables during a deployment. The story is this… there is a dacpac file on these deployments, and i am getting a hash of that artifact, and if the hash matches what is already in octopus, we’ll skip that step. If not… it’ll deploy the dacpac and if its successful, it’ll write the new hash variable to the project. I’ve figured out how to scope variables to particular environments, or so i thought. The issue I’m seeing now is as follows:
Lets say my project has a hash value for 2 environments, lets say development and integration. The deploy is going to development, and lets say the hash does not match, so octopus does the deploy dacpac step and writes the new hash value to the project variables. Problem is… its writing that new value to all environments that have a scoped value. So the hash for the integration environment gets updated upon a successful deploy to development, which obviously shouldnt happen. If there were no values in the project at the time of writing the variable… it looks correct. A hash would get written and be scoped to just the environment it succeeded in.
I cant figure out why it seemingly scopes the variable correctly when there are no values present… but if there are, it writes that value to all scopes.
Let me know what else you need from me if you can help! Thanks!!
Below is some code that I am using:
**The snippet below is creating the new variable… and supposedly scoping it to just the current environment Octopus is running in. **
$newVariable = @{
#Id = “$(New-Guid)”
Name = $dacpac_var
Value = $current_hash
Description = $null
Scope = @{ Environment = $OctopusParameters[“Octopus.Environment.Id”] }
IsEditable = $true
Prompt = $null
Type = “String”
IsSensitive = $false
$myproject = Get-OctopusProject -OctopusServerUrl $OctopusURL -ApiKey $OctopusAPIKey -ProjectName $OctopusParameters[“Octopus.Project.Name”]
$projectVars = Get-OctopusProjectVariables -OctopusDeployProject $myproject -OctopusServerUrl $OctopusURL -ApiKey $OctopusAPIKey
$projectVars.Variables += $newVariable
Update-ProjectVariables -ProjectVariables $projectVars -ApiKey $OctopusAPIKey -OctopusServerUrl $OctopusURL
The snippet below are the function declarations that the code above is using.
Function Update-ProjectVariables
Convert the object into JSON
$jsonBody = $ProjectVariables | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
Call the API to update
Invoke-RestMethod -Method “put” -Uri “$OctopusServerUrl/api/variables/$($ProjectVariables.Id)” -Body $jsonBody -Headers @{“X-Octopus-ApiKey”="$ApiKey"}
Function Get-OctopusProjectVariables
# Define parameters
Get reference to the variable list
return (Invoke-RestMethod -Method “get” -Uri “$OctopusServerUrl/api/variables/$($OctopusDeployProject.VariableSetId)” -Headers @{“X-Octopus-ApiKey”="$ApiKey"})
Function Get-OctopusProject
Define parameters
Call API to get all projects, then filter on name
$octopusProject = Invoke-RestMethod -Method “get” -Uri “$OctopusServerUrl/api/projects/all” -Headers @{“X-Octopus-ApiKey”="$ApiKey"}
return the specific project
return ($octopusProject | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ProjectName})