Same package deployed multiple times


I have an issue where same package is deployed to same tentacle multiple times. When I push NuGets from TC to Octopus I create a release from TC which triggers deploy. I have one project in Octopus where this project has defined steps for Dev, Staging and Production. Dev has Dev lifecycle, environment and channel, Staging and Production has the same. So when I trigger e.g. Dev for Dev environment and channel all steps (packages) are deployed three times.

1.0.8-alpha109 ⇢ Deploy to Dev (#3)
1.0.8-alpha109 ⇢ Deploy to Dev (#2)
1.0.8-alpha109 ⇢ Deploy to Dev

Can you please elaborate what setting I need to change in order to perform the deploy only once?



Thanks for reaching out. Is your Dev Step scoped to your Dev Channel? Same question for the other environments.

If the steps are not scoped to the channel they belong to, by default all of them will run when you deploy to any channel. Yo can check if they are scoped or not to a channel by clicking on the step and checking the “Channel” field all the way to the end.



all steps are scoped to Environment and Channel as I mentioned. Do you have any other advice ?


Hi there,

Could you please send me:

  • Screenshot of your deployment process screen where I can see all the steps, their names and scopes.

  • Your TC build log where you are creating this new release as part of your build process.
