Same DisplayName for server in different environments

We have a number of duplicate environments with same server names. It appears there is conflict when we try to use same server name in different environments. Does server name need to be globally unique? It seems like it should only need to be unique per environment.


Thanks for reaching out. Display Name should be different on each machine, regardless of the environment they are on.



Any plans for supporting non-unique display names? We are appending the environment name as a suffix to make the server name unique, but this is redundant. Internally the Squid ID, and key are different so not sure why something only used for UI is forced to be unique.


I understand your point. Even though on the background we use the Machine-ID for the transactions, the display name is very important for the user to understand on which machine are thinks taking place. We use it on logs, variable scopes and when setting deployments to specific machines among other stuff. Without it we’ll be forcing the user to learn non-intuitive things such as SQUIDs or MachineIDs to understand where are things being executed. It is not on our plans to support non-unique display names.

