I just upgraded our Octopus server to 3.2.23. I have a Tentacle configured to run under a service account, but when our deployment runs, it is running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM instead of our service account.
It was running fine under 2.6.
Can you let me know if there is a setting somewhere I need to change?
Thanks for reaching out. Our upgrade guide mentions that this is the expected behavior, and also shows a way to re-configure that setting on the Tentacle.
Are you referring to this command to change the account the Tentacle runs as after upgrading:
Tentacle.exe service --instance "Tentacle" --reconfigure --username=DOMAIN\ACCOUNT --password=accountpassword --start --console
I ran that already.
You’ll notice from the screenshots that the Tentacle windows service is running under DOMAIN\service_octopus, but when our deployment script runs it is trying to connect to SQL as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
You are totally right, sorry for missing that bit of information.
This is very strange. Did you restart that Tentacle’s service after reconfiguring the account for the changes to take effect? Its the easiest thing to test I can come up with.
Where are you seeing the “Login Failed” error? Is that the Octopus deployment log, SQL Profiler or maybe another tool? If its the Octopus deployment log, would you mind sending it over for us to check it? Feel free to set this conversation as private so only you and our staff can see its content.
Maybe add a note to the docs to remind people to do that, or add a service restart to the Tentacle.exe command. I noticed the docs said to include the --reconfigure and --start switches which I assumed would restart the service.
Where are you seeing the “Login Failed” error? Is that the Octopus deployment log, SQL Profiler or maybe another tool?
Fyi - it in the Octopus deploy log. We use EF’s migrate.exe tool to deploy our migrations. I have a blog post on this in the works…
Running --start alone will only start the service if it was stopped. If it was already started it wont do anything. To do a restart you need to run --stop and --start together like this:
& ".\Tentacle.exe" service --instance "MyTentacle" --stop --start