Runbook inaccessible after deleting a tenant: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'Name' of undefined"

After deleting a Tenant we had previously run a runbook for, we started getting this error when navigating to that runbook’s page:

An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2019.13.7: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'Name' of undefined"
in n
in Unknown
in Unknown
in t
in f
in Unknown
in t

… etc.

We cannot access the runbook’s process or history due to this error. Is it safe to just delete RunbookRun and RunbookRunHistory rows for the offending tenant to regain functionality?

The runbook was created and tenant was deleted in version 2019.11.something (cannot remember exactly), but the error persists in 2019.13.7.

Hi @Jussi_Kosunen,
Sorry to hear you’re running into this Runbook error after deleting a Tenant. I’m uncertain whether deleting the Runbook Run and History will help clear this error and allow you to regain access to the Runbook. I’m discussing this with my Teammates to see what the best way forward is for you here.

You mentioned that the error persists in v2019.13.7, meaning it started in v2019.11.*?

Kind Regards,

Yes, we first encountered it in 2019.11.* then updated to see if 2019.13.7 might include a fix. We haven’t tried to reproduce it from scratch since the update, though.

One correction to the original post, the deletion of the tenant happened in (during) the final step of the run rather than after it, if that makes any difference.

Hi @Jussi_Kosunen,
Thanks for that additional information. It does help. I’m hoping to reproduce this behavior and get it over to our engineers for a fix while looking for a safe way to clean this up and get the runbook working for you again.

I hope to have an update for you shortly.