Run Octopack somehow without project output


For various historical reasons I’m having a hard time introducing OctoPack into a old solution. To really do it right I have to introduce a lot of changes in the solution and how its organized. And I dont want to o that at this time. There are some legacy PS scripts that define what goes into the output (a Website and a Windows service). Running these scripts produces two folders - one for the website with all required files. And one for the windows service.

So I wonder - from a nuspec I could include these files making it easy to deploy. But to run OctoPack I need a project. A project with no output - as all the output already exists. Is that even possible (with OctoPack)?

I could create my 2 nuget packages using Nuget.exe but that doesn’t produce artifacts in Teamcity and thus - nothing for Octopus to pickup. Not sure what the best approach here is. Thoughts?


Thanks for getting in touch! Instead of trying to hack solutions, NuSpecs, OctoPack etc for historical style projects we actually suggest something much simpler: Octo.exe pack.
It is a feature of our command line tool that when pointed at a directory creates a NuGet Package, no NuSpec, or definitions required, or hacks required.
Here is the corresponding documentation:

Hope that helps!

Excellent, thats exactly what I needed, thanks!


Not a problem at all!
