Return All Machines of Certain Role


I’m trying to get the names and environment of all machines of a certain role. Using the API, I expect to be able to query the “machines/all” page and be able to filter by role. An example of the code I’m using is below. I use something very similar to get all the environments then search for a given environment by name to return the Octopus Environment Id.

So what I want to be able to do is return all machines of a given role regardless of what environment they are in. I’m really struggling to find a solution to this current problem, other than query every single environment and see if they have a machine with the role I am interested in. But that seems like an inefficient way to deal with the problem.

Any help truly appreciated.

function Get-OctopusMachines

	$envUrl = "$apiroot/api/machines/all"
    Write-Host $envUrl
	write-verbose "machines url: $envUrl"
	$macines= Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $envUrl -Method Get -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey"=$apiKey}
	if (!$macines)
		throw "Octopus Api Helper Exception. Something has gone wrong. Please verify your api root or key."
	return $machines

function Get-OctopusMachinesByRole
	$Machines = Get-OctopusMachines -ApiKey $APIKey -ApiRoot $ApiRoot
	$MachineName  = $Machines | WHERE { $_.Roles -eq $MachineRole} 
	if (!$MachineName)
		throw "Octopus Api Helper Exception. Something has gone wrong. Please verify your Machine Role."
	write-verbose $MachineName
	return $MachineName

$OctopusApiKey = "API-BOB"
$OctopusApiRoot = "root"
$OctopusRole = "role"

$splat = 
    apiKey = $OctopusApiKey
	ApiRoot = $OctopusApiRoot
    MachineRole = $OctopusRole

Get-OctopusMachinesByRole @splat

Hi Richie,

Thanks for reaching out. You could use the cmdlet [Get-OctopusMachine](( from the OSS Project Octoposh to do something like this:

$Role = "Role"
Get-OctopusMachine | ?{$role -in $_.Roles}

Let me know if that helps,