I have a project in Octopus v2.5.8.447 where the retention policy doesn’t seem to work when a only deploy some step of the project. According to the log, retention should be applied, but when I look in the target directory I still find old releases.
| Success: TSWEBADM02
16:47:34 Info | Processing retention policy
16:47:34 Verbose | Retention policy will keep 10 items
16:47:34 Verbose | Removing old installation: E:\Avensia\Applications\Intersport Test\IntersportWeb\2015.06.16.1604
16:47:36 Verbose | Removing old package file: E:\Avensia\Applications.Tentacle\Packages\IntersportWeb.2015.06.16.1604_8A22AFD612F6D34E98C7CF2544F48CA0.nupkg
16:47:36 Info | Retention processing complete
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for getting in touch! in 2.6 retention policies were updated to reflect Lifecycles. And this has continued into 3.0.
It changes how retention policies are run and allows you to configure them by environment.
Unfortunately at this stage, if there is a bug with 2.5 retention policies we will not be providing a fix for it.
Are you looking to upgrade your version of Octopus or is there anything in the way stopping you from moving to a higher version?
Are you still correcting bugs in 2.6 then?
I’ll guess I’ll update to a newer version when the need for a feature in the new version arises as the installed version is stable and working for now.
Hi Jonas,
We haven’t made updates to 2.6 in a while, and now that 3.0 has been released the only changes that would be made to 2.6 would be something along the lines of a security issue.
2.6 has a completely different retention policy architecture to 2.5 and the 2.6 retention policy logic was ported to 3.0. Even if there was a bug for retention policies in 2.6 we would fix it in 3.0.
This has always been our policy.
It is good that you are finding 2.5 stable. As a very general rule the retention policies use the deployment journal on the Tentacle, and if that package or application was released by other projects they wouldn’t be deleted by the one being released. But it also won’t hurt to manually delete them if you feel this is not the case.
Hi again,
I can now confirm that the retention policy doesn’t work even if I do a full deploy with all the steps. I have now manually deleted the oldest folders to see of it works in the future.