Release notes for TFS extension


Just wondering if a release note page is available for TFS Extensions. In particular, we are interested to learn what’s new or changed in version 2.0.39.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for reaching out! We don’t have a release notes page for the TFS extension, but we should definitely have one. I’ll push this idea to the team so we can work on something either in our Octopus page (like we have for Octopus Deploy/Tentacle,), the extension’s github page or in Marketplace.

Could you let me know which version of TFS you are running, and which version of our extension?


Hi Dalmiro,

I love your Octopus deploy release note compare page to find the delta btw any two releases. Not asking a similar page for TFS extension; a static release note page would be sufficient and helpful.

FYI, we are on TFS 2015 update 2, with Octopus extension 2.0.36


Hi Martin,

We’ll try to do something meaningful for those release notes. That compare page would probably be an overkill for something as small as this extension, so we’ll most likely go with a static page.

If you are using 2.0.36, then the jump to 2.0.39 will only contain a few bug fixes and no new functionality (as we only bumped the patch number). Sorry I can’t give you specifics right now, I’m locked out from our build server (working on it!) and since we still don’t have a release notes page, that’s the only place where I can see what changed between builds.


Hi Dalmiro,

Thanks for the quick response. This is not urgent, but we do look forward to hear from you once you have the information.


Hi Martin,

We just looked at the releases in TC and turns out 2.0.36 and 2.0.39 have no changes in the code between them (see screenshot). There was probably just a build process change between those builds. 2.0.36` was never meant to be published, but you should be fine with it.


Hi Dalmiro,

Appreciate your help and the quick reply.
