I had to do a “reset” of my Windows 10 machine yesterday, and as a result I was able to keep my c: drive but my Program Files etc was lost. So I have my c:\Octopus directory still and am hoping that I can just reinstall Octopus on the machin enow and have it pick up all my old configurations - does it work that way? or do you recommend I do anything different, in the hope that I don’t have to set up all my projects again?
Also any advice on ways to better back up and protect my Octopus configs for future would be openly accepted (also accepting slaps on the wrist for not thinking to worry about this until now that i’m in recovery mode!).
You may be in luck. Do you still have your Octopus database in tact?
Octopus instance information is stored in the registry so you may have lost that. Take a backup of C:\Octopus and then install Octopus, setting up the default instance. Once it is finished, replace C:\Octopus with your backup.
It’s a good idea to make backups of C:\Octopus, your Octopus database and your Octopus master key.
Thanks for the assistance… sadly I no longer have the Octopus database beacuse I’m a bad person and hadn’t set up a backup of my SQL Server since getting Octopus up and running, so yet another lesson learntj!
Back to the drawing board for me :’(
From here on I’ll be setting up automated logging of the three components you’ve mentioned (DB, directory and master key)!