React Error - Setting health check on K8s container deployment


I have a couple of issues to report - one is blocking us

  1. When we try to setup the Liveness Probe for a container, drop down “Liveness Probe Type” then choose “HttpGet” then it explodes with React Error:

An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2019.10.12: "Error: Minified React error #185; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. "

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  • in Unknown
  1. Unable to setup the containers at all (Deploy K8s Containers -> Containers -> Setup a container definition in the modal) in Firefox or Edge due to a CSS bug which means all the values in sections are super thin and too small to read or action (should be easy to reproduce)

1 is blocking us so would be great to get this sorted ASAP.

Many thanks as always!


Hi Mike,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’m very sorry to hear you’re hitting both of these bugs. I’ve been able to reproduce the first issue you’ve reported (thanks for letting us know!) and raised it at the following link. I’ve also raised this directly with the engineers to help boost its priority.

Regarding the second report, this is a known bug which I’ve raised previously that you can refer to here.

I greatly appreciate you reporting these issues, and my sincere apologies about the inconvenience these have caused you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns moving forward. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Hi Kenny,

Thanks for raising the issues for us.

With regards to the health check bug - can we get an ETA? Currently we are blocked from configuring new deployments properly in Octopus due to this bug.

Kind regards,


Hi Mike,

Thanks for following up. Are you referring to this bug? We’ve bumped this up to the top of our list to address, though sadly we don’t have any ETA at the moment for when the fix will be shipped. I’m very sorry about the inconvenience this bug has caused you.

For the time being, since this is a bug only in the UI, you should be able to correctly save this step via the API. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a sample script to do so, but if it’s at all helpful we have a sample script to create a script step that might provide a good starting place.

I really hope that helps! If we can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Hi Kenny,

I see that has been bundled into the 2019.11.3 release - any chance my cloud instance can be updated to this version any time soon?

Many thanks,


Hi Mike,

Thanks for following up! I appreciate your patience waiting for this bugfix. We just released 2019.11.3 last night, so I’m currently reaching out to our engineers here to get assurance that upgrading your hosted instance to this version is good to go. I’ll certainly get your instance upgraded as soon as I can. :slight_smile:

In the meantime, could you let me know your instance URL?

I look forward to hearing back!


Hi Kenny,

I’ve sent a message with the URL

Many thanks,


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