First of all Octopus is brilliant, using it to deploy from teamcity to IIS for around 20 web application, on numerious platforms. It rocks… Saves so much time…
Anyway down to the question. We are building two nuget packages via teamcity once for trunk and one for a branch. It’s called the same name in nuget just the version is different.(Trunk is V6.0.13.X and Branch is V6.1.15.Y)
Both of these code branches are being built etc and generating their correct nuget package.
however for trunk in the teamcity post build run step we have the command
octo create-release --server=http://octopus/api --project=“Intranet.Service” --deployto=“releases.testnet” --version=""
where the team city build number is shoved in to
all great so far and this worked correctly before we created the branch.
However I guess once we created the branch things went wrong.
So although the octpus creates the correct release version (ie it is V6.0.13.X) when you look at the release on the relevant tentical it has actually installed V6.1.14.Y (ie the branched version number)
Sorry for this round about question. Can you help me to fix this please?
Yes we are using the latest version of tentical & octopus…
Thanks David