Query via Raven Studio


I was asked by my PM “how many releases to QA have we done?”.
It seems the Releases section of OD only shows 3 pages worth of information - even though I know we’ve deployed loads more!

Is it possible to use the Raven Studio (http://octopusdeploy.com/blog/resetting-raven-indexes) to runa quick ad hoc query to answer this question?


Hi Neil,

Yes. First, from the Environments document collection, find the ID of your QA environment (it will be something like DeploymentEnvironments-123).

Then, go to the Indexes tab, and click on the “DeploymentSummary” index. In the Query box, type:


Where 123 above is the ID you found.

This will give you a list of deployments. At the bottom it displays the total number of matches.

Hope that helps,
