I’m attempting to publish a package to the Octopus nuget feed, and it’s failing. The server log shows “String or binary data would be truncated”. The package’s name (id, what goes in the PackageId column) is 41 characters long, and when added to the version (which is 14 characters long: 5.1.2-g693ab9b), it exceeds the number of allowed characters in the [Id] column in the NuGetPackage table.
Increasing the width on the [Id] column in the NuGetPackage table solved the problem in the short term.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for reaching out. We are using this new forum for all questions related to Octopus 3.0. From now on please submit all your questions about 3.0 here: http://community.octopusdeploy.com
This particular issue was fixed on the build http://community.octopusdeploy.com/t/download-3-0-0-1930-pre-release-8/371