Currently, prompted variables can only be scoped to Environments. I’ve found the following uservoice:
I understand the reasoning behind the above being a uservoice; it would require an overhaul of when to prompt for variables, as machines / roles / steps are conditional, whereas an environment can be determined prior to gathering the DeploymentProcess json.
However, I feel the big one missing here is Channels. A channel is already determined as part of the release, and it seems like a pretty common use for variables to differ between channels.
I know the Octopus team has an emphasis on uservoice for 2017, but given how few votes the above has, it clearly won’t make the cut. Is there any chance that this might be squeezed in as something overlooked? Seems like a (relatively) simple change, since unlike the other categories it doesn’t require re-writing when to prompt.
Probably a long shot, just thought I’d ask as it seems the uservoice is from prior to channels existing.