Hi guys,
I’m currently trying to deploy the same package to two separate environments. Both of the environments are located on the same server, but have separate installation locations on the server.
I followed this guide: http://help.octopusdeploy.com/discussions/questions/3712-promoting-package-to-multiple-environments-on-same-machine
I’ve gotten deployments to work towards the first environment/machine (QA), but as the guide doesn’t mention how to set up a single tentacle on two separate machines/environments (but on the same server) I haven’t gotten this up and running yet.
So i guess my question is: How do you connect a machine/environment to a tentacle that already is connected to a different machine in a different environment?
Hi Mathias,
Thanks for getting in touch.
It sounds like you have a Tentacle installed on a machine and would like to use that Tentacle to deploy to two environments?
You can either register a new Tentacle in Octopus for each environment (using the same address/port) or edit the machine in Octopus (from the Environments page) and select multiple environments for that machine.
If you would prefer a different endpoint for each environment, you can configure multiple Tentacle instances on the same machine: https://octopus.com/docs/administration/managing-multiple-instances
Then you have a Tentacle with one port for QA and another with a different port for Prod. Register both of those Tentacles in Octopus into their respective environments.
Hope this helps, please let me know if anything needs clarification.