Hi Team,
I have Imported my Dev server data into another POC server using the Import-Export octopus functionality.My projects have been imported in the new server but the same project groups are not visible in the teams section under configuration and saya ‘Missing’. I am not able to find out the root cause of the same. Can you please help here.
Log File
https://migrationimport.blob.core.windows.net/migrationcontainer/OctopusMigrator.2018-11-28 22_07_25.9567.txt?sp=r&st=2019-01-02T11:23:25Z&se=2019-01-02T19:23:25Z&spr=https&sv=2018-03-28&sig=%2FcusM62mhv3%2FTKfdQHZDH14THVjtBAtM9uh3h5QMjN0%3D&sr=b
Octopus Version 3.16.7 (both are on the same version)
Error :