Hi Matthew,
thank you for getting back to me on this. I have gathered the data you requested, and based on what I see my initial assumption is correct: For some reason (probably technical) the deployment seems to try to acquire the packages before prompting for the variable names which are required to build the correct package names. Is there something I can do about this, or some sort of workaround?
Anyway, here’s the requested files:
TeamCity Configuration Screenshot for Step OctopusDeploy: Push packages:
TeamCity Configuration Screenshot for Step OctopusDeploy: Create release:
Additional command line arguments:
Octopus Deploy Project Variables Page:
I am also including these following ones since I feel they might be illustrative of what happens:
Octopus Deploy Create Release Page (where the packages fail to be acquired correctly because they miss the Variable which I can only set in the next step):
Octopus Deploy Create Deployment Page (where I can set the variable that was missing on the previous page):
Team City build Log (relevant steps only):
Step 8/9: Push Image to OctopusDeploy (OctopusDeploy: Push packages) (54s)
[Step 8/9] Creating archive Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip (40s)
[Creating archive Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip] Creating C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\ZipPreprocessor3322282743156780590\Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip
[Creating archive Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip] Archive was created, file size 92.13 MB (96605475 bytes)
[Step 8/9] Creating archive Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip
[Creating archive Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip] Creating C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\ZipPreprocessor5055288874630007184\Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip
[Creating archive Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip] Archive was created, file size 3.82 KB (3917 bytes)
[Step 8/9] Octopus Deploy (5s)
[Octopus Deploy] Running command: octo.exe push --server http://localhost:8888/octopus --apikey SECRET --package C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\ZipPreprocessor3322282743156780590\Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip --package C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\ZipPreprocessor5055288874630007184\Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip
[Octopus Deploy] Pushing packages to Octopus server
[Octopus Deploy] Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.21.0
[Octopus Deploy]
[Octopus Deploy] Handshaking with Octopus server: http://localhost:8888/octopus
[Octopus Deploy] Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2018.9.16; API version: 3.0.0
[Octopus Deploy] Authenticated as: OctoAdmin <kira.resari@company.com>
[Octopus Deploy] Pushing package: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\ZipPreprocessor3322282743156780590\Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip...
[Octopus Deploy] Pushing package: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\ZipPreprocessor5055288874630007184\Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.2.zip...
[Octopus Deploy] Push successful
[Octopus Deploy] Octo.exe exit code: 0
Step 9/9: Create & Deploy Release via Octopus (OctopusDeploy: Create release) (3s)
[Step 9/9] Octopus Deploy
[Octopus Deploy] Running command: octo.exe create-release --server http://localhost:8888/octopus --apikey SECRET --project Docker-Project --enableservicemessages --deployto Docker-Project Environment -v TEAMCITY_BUILDCONF_NAME:Docker-Project_Test
[Octopus Deploy] Creating Octopus Deploy release
[Octopus Deploy] Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.21.0
[Octopus Deploy]
[Octopus Deploy] Build environment is Handshaking with Octopus server: http://localhost:8888/octopus
[Octopus Deploy] Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2018.9.16; API version: 3.0.0
[Octopus Deploy] Authenticated as: OctoAdmin <kira.resari@company.com>
[Octopus Deploy] This Octopus Server supports channels
[Octopus Deploy] Finding project: Docker-Project
[Octopus Deploy] Automatically selecting the best channel for this release...
[Octopus Deploy] Building a release plan for Channel 'Default'...
[Octopus Deploy] Finding deployment process...
[Octopus Deploy] Finding release template...
[Octopus Deploy] The package version for some steps was not specified. Going to try and resolve those automatically...
[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Deploy Docker-Project Package
[Octopus Deploy] Could not find any packages with ID 'Docker-Project_Undefined_Build_Configuration' in the feed 'octopus://'
[Octopus Deploy] Finding latest package for step: Deploy Docker-Project-Database Package
[Octopus Deploy] Could not find any packages with ID 'Docker-Project-Database_Undefined_Build_Configuration ' in the feed 'octopus://'
[Octopus Deploy] There are no viable release plans in any channels using the provided arguments. The following release plans were considered:
[Octopus Deploy] Channel: 'Default' (this is the default channel)
[Octopus Deploy] # Name Version Source Version rules
[Octopus Deploy] --- -------------------------------------- --------- ---------------- -------------------
[Octopus Deploy] 1 Deploy Docker-Project Package ERROR Cannot resolve Allow any version
[Octopus Deploy] 2 Deploy Docker-Project-Database Package ERROR Cannot resolve Allow any version
[Octopus Deploy]
[Octopus Deploy] Exit code: -1
[Octopus Deploy] Octo.exe exit code: -1
[Step 9/9] Unable to create or deploy release. Please check the build log for details on the error.
[Step 9/9] Unable to create or deploy release. Please check the build log for details on the error.
[Step 9/9] Step Create & Deploy Release via Octopus (OctopusDeploy: Create release) failed
Octopus Deployment Log:
Task ID: ServerTasks-24888
Task status: Failed
Task queued: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:04:42 AM
Task started: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:04:42 AM
Task completed: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:04:42 AM
Task duration: less than a second
Server version: 2018.9.17+Branch.master.Sha.9e332cbb3a61d59f7f14c94196e6c4ed481b10a3
Server node: EC2AMAZ-52G5JJ8
| == Failed: Deploy Docker-Project release 0.0.36 to Docker-Project Environment ==
00:04:42 Verbose | Guided failure is not enabled for this task
00:04:42 Fatal | The deployment failed because one or more steps failed. Please see the deployment log for details.
| == Failed: Acquire packages ==
00:04:42 Info | Acquiring packages
00:04:42 Info | Making a list of packages to acquire
00:04:42 Verbose | No packages are required on the Octopus Server
00:04:42 Verbose | Delta compression is enabled for package transfers from the Octopus Server to deployment targets
00:04:42 Verbose | Upload Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test .0.0.79 to Moby Dock
| Upload Docker-Project_Docker-Project_Test.0.0.79 to Moby Dock
00:04:42 Verbose | Checking package cache for package Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test v0.0.79
00:04:42 Info | Downloading Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test v0.0.79 to package cache...
00:04:42 Verbose | Downloading Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test v0.0.79 from Octopus Server (built-in) using cache policy UseCache...
00:04:42 Verbose | Downloading package (attempt 1 of 5)
00:04:42 Fatal | The step failed: Activity failed with error 'The package Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test v0.0.79 could not be downloaded to the package cache from Octopus Server (built-in) after making 5 attempts over a total of 0s. Make sure the package is pushed to the feed and try the deployment again. For a detailed troubleshooting guide go to http://g.octopushq.com/TroubleshootMissingPackages'.
00:04:42 Verbose | Acquire Packages completed
| Failed: Moby Dock
00:04:42 Error | The package Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test v0.0.79 could not be downloaded to the package cache from Octopus Server (built-in) after making 5 attempts over a total of 0s. Make sure the package is pushed to the feed and try the deployment again. For a detailed troubleshooting guide go to http://g.octopushq.com/TroubleshootMissingPackages
| Failed: Upload package Docker-Project-Database_Docker-Project_Test v0.0.79
| Canceled: Step 1: Deploy Docker-Project Package
00:04:42 Verbose | Step "Deploy Docker-Project Package" runs only when all previous steps succeeded; skipping
| Canceled: Step 2: Deploy Docker-Project-Database Package
00:04:42 Verbose | Step "Deploy Docker-Project-Database Package" runs only when all previous steps succeeded; skipping
| Canceled: Step 3: Create Prerequisite Folders
00:04:42 Verbose | Step "Create Prerequisite Folders" runs only when all previous steps succeeded; skipping
| Canceled: Step 4: Run Docker-Project Images
00:04:42 Verbose | Step "Run Docker-Project Images" runs only when all previous steps succeeded; skipping
Thank you very much for your effort,