Hi I’m new to CI-CD so I followed the a course on edX. One of lab is integrate VSTS (currently Azure DevOps) with Octopus to deploy a Web App. https://microsoft.github.io/PartsUnlimited/cicd/200.3x-CICD-CDwithOctopus.html
I followed the instruction on the above link no error on the log but my website does not update. Later I found out that the package is in the web root folder does not do actual web deployment. It just place back all the unpack the file only.
Thanks for getting in touch! That’s awesome to hear you’re giving Octopus a try, and we hope you’ve enjoyed your experience so far.
It looks like the issue encountered in that StackOverflow link was that the application was being packaged twice. When the package was deployed, it unpacks the first layer but the underlying package wasn’t extracted. Essentially what benPearce said; so you end up deploying the first package (OctopusWalkthrough.zip) to the web host rather than the app itself.
Is this the same behavior you’re experiencing? If so, you’ll need to ensure your application is only packaged up once.
I hope this helps! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions moving forward.
Thanks for the reply. I managed to deploy the package successfully but in a dirty way. The way I did it is I prevent the Build Solution to package the release folder and then pack the release folder with the octopus package extension.