Problem to installing Octopus 3.2.1

Error: The previous command returned a non-zero exit code of: 100
Error: The command that failed was: “C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe” license --instance “OctopusServer” --licenseBase64 "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"
Deregistered OctopusServer from the database
Deleted instance: OctopusServer


Thanks for getting in touch. Firstly allow me to apologise for the delay, your message was put in our spam folder and went unnoticed until now.

I will need some more information from you to help best:

  1. Can you send me the relevant logs normally found in C:\Octopus\Server\Logs\OctopusServer.*.txt
  2. Can you send me the output logged in the Octopus Manager window

Was this a trial license, or a license or a purchased license? If it’s a trial license, you could try starting a new trial and getting a new license, just in case there is something wrong with this license key.

Hope that helps!