Pre-Release packages listed as latest package

The help window for the “Latest” column when creating a release shows:
“The most recent, non-pre-release package that we could find in the NuGet feed.”

However, if the highest number package available is a pre-release package, then it shows the pre-release as the latest.

Also, when clicking the search button, it defaults to having pre-release as checked, which I feel it should be defaulted as unchecked. (Though this isn’t technically part of the bug, just a preference. I feel you should have to opt-in for a pre-release, essentially, instead of having to opt-out.)

If I uncheck the box and filter, it correctly does not show the latest package if it is a pre-release.

I have opened a Github Issue for this:


Thanks for getting in touch! We agree that this could be better and will look at updating the behavior.

Thanks for the report!