Pre-deployment validation failed: one or more feeds referenced by steps in this project no longer exist

After upgrading octopus server to 2.0.8. Unable to create a release due to the following error.
“Pre-deployment validation failed: one or more feeds referenced by steps in this project no longer exist. You will need to create a new release”.

Step 1/1: OctopusDeploy: Release (9s)
[14:25:55][Step 1/1] Octopus Deploy (8s)
[14:25:55][Octopus Deploy] Running command: octo.exe create-release --server http://build/octopus --apikey SECRET --project ITR --enableservicemessages --version --deployto Deploy-Dev --waitfordeployment --packagesFolder=Temp
[14:25:55][Octopus Deploy] Creating Octopus Deploy release
[14:25:56][Octopus Deploy] Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version
[14:25:56][Octopus Deploy]
[14:25:56][Octopus Deploy] Using package versions from folder: Temp
[14:25:56][Octopus Deploy] Package file: Temp\ITR.
[14:25:56][Octopus Deploy] Handshaking with Octopus server: http://build/octopus
[14:26:03][Octopus Deploy] Handshake successful. Octopus version:; API version: 3.0.0
[14:26:03][Octopus Deploy] Finding project: ITR
[14:26:03][Octopus Deploy] Finding deployment process for project: ITR
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Finding release template…
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Release plan for release:
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Steps:
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] # Name Version Source
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] — ------------ --------------- ------------------------------------
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] 1 ITR-Dev User specified
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] 2 ITR-Test User specified
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy]
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Creating release…
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Error from Octopus server (HTTP 400): There was a problem with your request.
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy]
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] - Release ‘’ already exists for this project. Please use a different version, or look at using a mask to auto-increment the number.
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy]
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Exit code: -7
[14:26:04][Octopus Deploy] Octo.exe exit code: -7
[14:26:04][Step 1/1] Unable to create or deploy release. Please check the build log for details on the error.
[14:26:04][Step 1/1] Step OctopusDeploy: Release failed

I am sure this is the latest release and no other release with this no already exists.
Please guide

Responded via Support email, please let me know if you didn’t receive my reply. Regards, Nick.

Thanks Nick