I made a cake script to deploy a squirrel.windows release.
it works well when executed directly from powershell, but fail when executed from a powershell deployment script in octopus.
In fact it is squirrel that failed since they switched the way they generate the delta package. they now use 7zip, and they launch it with a ProcessStart. Again, it works well directly from powershell, but I get a path not found exception in the squirrel logs when i execute it from octopus.
I tried to launch the script with the “&” char, Invoke-Expression and even ProcessStartInfo, and got the same result.
It feels like the issue is lack of permissions.
Does the account the Tentacle is running under has enough rights to extract the nuget to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\SquirrelTemp\tempa
Tentacle is executed with the system account. The related folder is fully accessible to this account. But it seems that you are right, it is related to permission.
I just came back to a previous version of squirrel and submitted a ticket there.