Post deployment tests/automated smoke tests

We use Team city as build server and Octopus Deploy for deployments. Now we are moving towards
running automated smoke tests(cypress/java script) post deployment. Version control is bit bucket where my repositories(automated tests) are there.
Can I get help here if I need to use Testery community step in Octopus Deploy? OR can I run without Testery.
Where I need to put a trigger to run my smoke tests after deployment? Basically my task is to hook automated cypress scripts onto octopus post deployment.


Hi @parnithakaleru
Thanks for reaching out.

This is a topic we have actually covered in depth on our YouTube channel:

I also note that Testery also have some docs covering using it with Octopus:

Hopefully this will give you enough info to get your tasks up and running successfully. Do reach out if you need more help or if you have more questions.

Kind regards,

Thanks Paraic, much appreciated for the speedy reply.

Is it not possible to not embed Testery in our devops/pipeline stack, but still run automated smoke tests post deployment?


Hi @parnithakaleru
Your question reminds me of a blog article our colleague wrote a few months back on smoke testing which you might find useful:

He uses it to smoke test simple services but it can be expanded to a multitude of use cases.

Hope that helps. Let us know if you need more help.

Kind regards,

Thank You Paraic.

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