Polling tentacle deployment

I Have Install Polling Tentacle and deploy on it manually is done . But How To configure to poll it periodically and how to set polling time of it.


Thanks for reaching out. By default it will already be periodically polling for tasks. The polling time is not configurable.It runs every a couple of seconds, which should not be a problem.



Hi Dalmiro,

Thanks for your answer but what if I need to poll it according to me. Means I need that at mid night it check any new update (if we did any Code check-In at TFS ) then deploy on target machine(Eg Qc Server).


If I need to done scheduling of my deployment according that in staging It deploy when I checked in my code in TFS and at production it deploy after 5 hour so How could I set it automatically deployment scheduling.


The way Polling Tentacles work (in a nutshell) goes like this: The Polling Tentacle is always looking for a task to perform, by constantly asking the Octopus server if there’s something to do. When you create a deployent, the Octopus server puts a task in the queue for the Polling Tentacle to pick it up. Once the Tentacle finds the new task in the queue, It will execute it.

Your logic needs to go around “When do I want to create a deployment to a specific environment?”. Since your build server is the one in contact with your source control system (meaning he is the one that knows when you check in code), what I would do is delegate the “Deployment creation” logic to it. You could do this by creating 2 different build configurations:

1) I need that at mid night it check any new update (if we did any Code check-In at TFS ) then deploy on target machine(Eg Qc Server).

For this one you could create a build configuration on your build server that triggers a build at mid-night. This build will compile your application, pack it into a Nuget package, push it to your repository, and finally, create a deployment using Octo.exe create-release while passing the name of your environment to the --deployto parameter

2) I need to done scheduling of my deployment according that in staging It deploy when I checked in my code in TFS and at production it deploy after 5 hour so

You could have a build configuration that triggers a build on every check in. This build will also compile your application, pack it into a Nuget package, push it to your repository and then create a new deployment to your Staging environment. Finally, if the step to deploy to Staging was successfull, it will run one last step that uses Octo.exe again, but this time with the command Deploy-Release and the parameters --deployto pointing to your Production environment and --deployat to a time that is 5 hours from that moment

Hope that rant makes sense to you!
