Polling linux tentacle don't use proxy during register-with command

Hey Henrik,
That’s good news. Glad to hear it!
Is it at all possible that you’re running into Sectigo Issue?

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,

I’ve read the Sectigo Issue, and if I understand this correctly we might need to install Sectigo new root CA certificate on the host where we want to install the tentacle?

There is no problem using curl to fetch the frontpage of the octopus server on port 443, so the host machine seem to be installed with CA certificates with valid chain for the https://****.octopus.app:443/ server.

This post do seem to report an identical issue: Unable to register a polling tentacle with Octopus Cloud

How was this resolved?

Hi Henrik,

Just jumping in for Tina here, since she’s out of the office today. In that case, we needed to reprovision the instance to include the new certificate with the updated intermediate certificate. As all instances get the new certificate, this, sadly, won’t fix it on your end.

If you’re running an older distro, it is possible that you might need to update the certs. Depending on how old of a distro you’re running, you may be able to get away with updating the ca-certificates package on your tentacle machine.

Some other thoughts here:

  • When you mention that you can curl the octopus server correctly, is that going through the same proxy as the Tentacle configuration script is configured to use, or direct?
  • Is your proxy (or any other network device) doing SSL termination/re-encoding or any other scenarios where it is interrupting the SSL chain?

Look forward to hearing from you soon!


thanks for the update. The machine is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9, so hardly an old distro.

Right now, we’re not using the proxy, but connecting directly from the tentacle server, as we tried to rule-out if proxy was the cause of the issue. As of now, there is no other network device doing SSL termination/re-encoding.

Hrrm, very strange indeed!

Are you able to post up the output of the following command (substituting samples.octopus.app with your instance name):

openssl s_client -host samples.octopus.app -port 443

Should give you a long output containing the SSL connection negotiation - perhaps that can shed some light on what’s occurring there.

Here’s the output:

openssl.txt (5.1 KB)

Looks like the certificate matches what’s expected - I just spun up a repro on my end with a fresh Centos 7.9 and was able to connect to my cloud instance without any problems, so I’m a little puzzled here as well. Here’s my command stack to install tentacle:

yum install krb5-libs libicu openssl-libs wget
wget https://rpm.octopus.com/tentacle.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/tentacle.repo
yum install tentacle

Which worked exactly as expected:

The following configuration commands will be run to configure Tentacle:
sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle create-instance --instance "Tentacle" --config "/etc/octopus/Tentacle/tentacle-Tentacle.config"
sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle new-certificate --instance "Tentacle" --if-blank
sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle configure --instance "Tentacle" --app "/home/Octopus/Applications" --noListen "True" --reset-trust
sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle register-with --instance "Tentacle" --server "https://octopus-yyy.octopus.app" --name "JW-Centos7-Repro" --comms-style "TentacleActive" --server-comms-port "10943" --apiKey "API-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" --space "Justin" --environment "Dev"  --role "Linux"
sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle service --install --start --instance "Tentacle"
Press enter to continue...
Saving instance: Tentacle
Setting home directory to: /etc/octopus/Tentacle
A certificate already exists, no changes will be applied.
Removing all trusted Octopus Servers...
Application directory set to: /home/Octopus/Applications
Tentacle will not listen on a port
These changes require a restart of the Tentacle.
Checking connectivity on the server communications port 10943...
Connected successfully
Registering the tentacle with the server at https://yyy.octopus.app/
Detected automation environment: NoneOrUnknown
Machine registered successfully
These changes require a restart of the Tentacle.
Service installed: Tentacle
Service started: Tentacle

I’m at a bit of a loss here - do these install instructions line up with what you did on your end?

Hi, yes, the installation instructions are the same. I’m also having no issues on a fresh CentOS 7 instance.

I think we’ll have to follow this up with our hosting provider.

Thanks for your help troubleshooting this.

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Hi again,

we were not able to figure out why we get the RemoteCertificateChainErrors error, but after trying to work around the failing “register-with” command, by updating the tentacle configuration using these commands:

sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle configure --trust THUMBPRINT --instance instanceName
sudo /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle server-comms --instance instanceName --host *****.octopus.app --port 10943 --style TentacleActive

And installing the tentacle service and starting it, it seem like the tentacle is attempting to connect to Octopus server, but now we get the following error in log:

2021-02-09 16:19:26.0487 89953 1 INFO CommandLine: /opt/octopus/tentacle/Tentacle.dll run --instance=instanceName --noninteractive
2021-02-09 16:19:26.1399 89953 1 INFO Agent will trust Octopus Servers with the thumbprint: 7189F8CFD99E53BF8237DC8A61DF128F2ACF8C42
2021-02-09 16:19:26.1447 89953 1 INFO Agent will poll Octopus Server at https://example.octopus.app:10943/ for subscription poll://gcfxyh7wq4rhk5c65n6b/ expecting thumbprint 7189F8CFD99E53BF8237DC8A61DF128F2ACF8C42
2021-02-09 16:19:26.2051 89953 1 INFO Agent will not listen on any TCP ports
2021-02-09 16:19:26.2718 89953 6 INFO https://example.octopus.app:10943/ 6 Opening a new connection to https://example.octopus.app:10943/
2021-02-09 16:19:26.4240 89953 6 INFO https://example.octopus.app:10943/ 6 Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:]:10943 identified by thumbprint: 7189F8CFD99E53BF8237DC8A61DF128F2ACF8C42, using protocol Tls12
2021-02-09 16:19:26.4728 89953 6 ERROR https://example.octopus.app:10943/ 6 Unexpected exception executing transaction.
Halibut.Transport.Protocol.ProtocolException: Unable to receive the remote identity; the identity line was empty.
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeStream.ReadRemoteIdentity()
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeStream.ExpectServerIdentity()
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeStream.IdentifyAsSubscriber(String subscriptionId)
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeProtocol.ExchangeAsSubscriber(Uri subscriptionId, Func2 incomingRequestProcessor, Int32 maxAttempts) at Halibut.Transport.PollingClient.<ExecutePollingLoop>b__12_0(MessageExchangeProtocol protocol) at Halibut.Transport.SecureClient.ExecuteTransaction(Action1 protocolHandler, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Is there perhaps something else happening during “register-with” which is now lacking?

Hi Henrik,

We have sometimes seen that error appear when the Octopus Server is using the older SHA1 algorithm for the thumbprint rather than SHA256.

Within the Octopus UI, if you navigate to Configuration > Thumbprint does it state SHA1 or SHA256?

If it is using a SHA1, then you will need to regenerate the certificate being used, however, this will break the trust with all tentacles and therefore needs to be planned accordingly.

We have a guide that details the suggested steps to update this and all tentacles with as little manual work as possible.


The Octopus server: “The server certificate uses the sha256RSA algorithm.”

Is it even possible to re-generate Octopus server certificate on the cloud version?

Apologies, I had missed that this was a Cloud instance. The server certificate is fine then.

After re-reading your last message, when you say

work around the failing “register-with” command

Does that mean that the register-with command hasn’t been run at all?

If so, this will likely mean that the Octopus Server doesn’t recognise the tentacle and is refusing the connection.

Does that mean that the register-with command hasn’t been run at all?

Yes, the “register-with” command was not able to complete, with the following error looping:

Checking connectivity on the server communications port 10943…
Connected successfully
Registering the tentacle with the server at https://*****.octopus.app/
Detected automation environment: NoneOrUnknown
The following certificate errors were encountered when establishing the HTTPS connection to the server: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
Certificate subject name: CN=.octopus.app
Certificate thumbprint: 7F8897DDF3E4AB07B7F2E027EA7D233E99A3FD1A
The following certificate errors were encountered when establishing the HTTPS connection to the server: RemoteCertificateChainErrors

What is a bit strange is that the thumbprint seem to belong on certificate on port 443, not the one on port 10943.

Do the register-with command require connecting to both port 443 and 10943?

$ openssl s_client -servername ****.octopus.app -connect ***.octopus.app:10943 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin
SHA1 Fingerprint=71:89:F8:CF:D9:9E:53:BF:82:37:DC:8A:61:DF:12:8F:2A:CF:8C:42

$ openssl s_client -servername ****.octopus.app -connect ****.octopus.app:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin
SHA1 Fingerprint=7F:88:97:DD:F3:E4:AB:07:B7:F2:E0:27:EA:7D:23:3E:99:A3:FD:1A

That’s correct, the register-with command connects to the Octopus Server on 443 and uses the REST API to configure the new tentacle on the Octopus Server. During this process, it will also test connectivity on port 10943. Once this command completes, all further communication between the tentacle and server will take place on port 10943.

Also noticing that when viewing the certificate on port 10943, the SHA-256 thumbprint seem to be different than the one listed in Octopus Server:


In Octopus Server (seem to list the SHA-1 fingerprint):


Hi @henrik.von.gunten!

That’s correct, There are two certificates at play here. Expanding on what Paul said above:

  • The SSL certificate for the Octopus web portal, API etc, this is a regular, valid SSL certificate for normal web traffic. The tentacle, as part of the register-with command, will reach out to the Octopus server API over to register itself with the Octopus server so that the Octopus server knows about the tentacle. This is only used at this point in the process, and after the tentacle is registered, all communication happens on port 10943.

  • The certificate on port 10943 is a self-signed certificate that is used for encrypting traffic between the server and the tentacle - we offer a static webpage on this port to verify that the server is listening correctly. You can hit this in a browser (with certificate errors, naturally, since it’s not a trusted cert).

I hope that helps clarify - please let us know if you have any further questions.

We discovered that the certificate chain issue was resolved once the RHEL 7 server had the openssl11 package installed.

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