Pass variable values from the command line?

I was wondering if there is a way to pass a list of variable values as arguments to octo.exe. This would be useful when auto deploying from our CI server and want to provide a different value for say a build of a separate branch.

something like :

Octo.exe create-release -server= -project=“My Project” -version=3.0.14349.2 -packageVersion=3.0.14349.2 -deployto=DEV --apiKey=API-XXXXXX --MyVar1=Value1 --MyVar2=Value2

Hi Scott,

Thanks for getting in touch! Yes but conditionally. You can pass variables, as many as you like, but it will only work for prompted variables.
The following GitHub issues explains a little about the reasoning (and the syntax).
For non-prompted variables we have the following UserVoice suggestion:

Hope this helps.

Excellent thanks, we can now pass the prompt variables from out TFS build to override the values on a per branch/build basis.